Sunday, October 14, 2012

Still at it

Well, I am not following a Vegan lifestyle exactly any more but I am a vegetarian and I am following that very closely.  I have

Friday, August 31, 2012

Still going

Well, I made it through my vacation and I'm still going.  I love being a vegetarian.  It has been two months with no meat.  I have discovered many websites and blog dedicated to vegan and vegetarianism.  I do have to take my lunch sometimes when I go to luncheons at the clubs I belong to.  I don't mind, I like my own cooking. 

My body also loves my new lifestyle, no more stomach aches, no more excessive gas and better digestion.  This is all probably due to no milk and cheese, instead of no meat; however I am very happy about the part. 

I will post recipes when I come up with something no one else has posted, until then I will just keep you posted on my new lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I have company, my son and three children who love pizza, hamburgers and spagetti, and its a little more difficult to maintain my new lifestyle.  Last night we all went to a meeting of my husband's Lion's Club.  They were serving enchiladas (three kinds), however, there was a dish of rice and a large salad so I was able to eat.  Oh, I forgot, banana pudding.  I eat rice and salad, period.  So far I have been able to maintain my diet.

Monday, August 13, 2012

My New-Found Hope

I hope people interested in a healthy lifestyle and losing weight will read this blog.  This may not be for everyone, but it is for me.  I have been scearching for a sensible way to improve my health and to lose weight.  I am no spring chicken, but I'm not dead yet.  I started reading Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman and I think I have found the answer.  I quit eating meat about 6 weeks ago and started on the Eat to Live diet 2 weeks ago.  I am very happy with it.  I have lost 5 1/2 pounds and I am never really hungry.  I don't miss meat at all, although I do miss cheese and chocolate some.  I eat loads of salads, lots of fruit and some beans.  I like to make soup with the beans. 

I had almost competely removed beans from my diet due to gas until I read how to help eliminate the gas problem.  Instead of soaking your beans in cold water over night, put the beans in water, bring to a boil, turn off the burner and let the beans set in the boiling water from 2 to 4 hours, pour off the water, rinse the beans, add fresh water and cook.  Add seasonings but do not add salt when cooking your beans.